Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction… or TMJ for short
TMJ Treatment
What is Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction?
aka "TMJ Pain" aka "Jaw Pain" aka "My jaw feels out of place"
What are the symptoms of tmj?
If you have pain or achiness in the muscles around your face and jaw.
If you have a noticeable click or clunk in your jaw when opening or closing.
If you experience frequent neck pain or headaches even without noticeable jaw issues, the TMJ might be contributing to your issue.
If you have tooth pain, there may be an underlying TMJ issue.
If you cannot open your mouth all the way with or without extending your neck.
If you have frequent upper shoulder/back tension or pain.
If you find yourself chewing/clenching consistently due to stress or other habits.
How can we treat tmj?
1. Thorough assessment to determine whether it is actually a True TMJ issue.
2. If it is TMJ related - is the TMJ Disc contributing to the problem?
3. Diagnosis
4. Manual Treatment
- Including: Massage/Trigger Point Release, Jaw Mobilizations, Chiropractic Adjustments to the Neck.
5. At-Home Exercises.
6. Co-Management with your dentist if necessary.
Follow @FPISanDiego on Instagram for tips on pain management for TMJ.